Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Physics: Classical Physics

Newton's Three Laws and Me:
Newton's three laws of motion may be stated as follows: Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it. Force equals mass times acceleration [ ]. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The Third Law of Motion states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This law describes what happens to a body when it exerts a force on another body.

In order to describe Newton's Laws and me, I might have to describe everything because the world is continually in motion around me thus this might get convoluted. So, basically I accept Newton's Three Laws and try to imagine that everything I do, there is a force against me/my action.

"Energy Efficient Culture"
Not really. We are quite the opposite. We are continually improving systems, technology, our world (inefficiently). Energy efficiency has a stronger place, politically, these days, but really can only be impactful (more efficient) if everyone (at least most) people made a conscious effort to live more energy efficiently. I admit I am not always "energy efficient," certainly- not nearly enough! And, I live in the Bay, where this concept is prominent. It's hard to imagine our society/world going back to simplicity. Some countries live this way, but it is not their choice to. It's unlikely our culture will lessen our "standards" even if people dedicated their lives to this (as some very well do); there will still be others (plenty of others) that don't. Simply (and matter of factly), some folks don't even believe there is a need for energy efficiency because climate change is not real. [Whole other subject...]

Descartes has a lot to answer for!
Descartes was the origin of the "Mind-Body Problem." He divided the mind (thoughts) from the body (material world). Also known as, "Mind-Body Dualism." The physical or material world according to Descartes is determined, more specifically, the machine that determines the world. And, rather, our thoughts are undetermined and could potentially change the material world if and when they, the thoughts, go through the pineal gland in the brain.
In this sense, information is immaterial, the "mind within the brain." And, the most absurd description to end on from Descartes.... when we die, our personal information perishes while our bodies remain. Our thoughts and information disappear because basically there is no real "substance" to them. It took a lot more philosophers to overcome this thought process as it was/is very popular.

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