Thursday, July 4, 2019

Physics: Resonance in my World

In Bali, the Balinese do not split feeling from thought but regard both as part of one process, "keneh," which is translated to "feeling-thought." While it is recognized that the feelings 'they' feel may be different from their thoughts - and there are concepts that differentiate the two - they are linked in the language.

What does this have to do with Resonance? Resonance is defined as "the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object." This "vibration" is also a sense of connection with someone or something else. Common sayings like, "I resonate with that" or "We resonate" relay this alternative meaning of the word.

Resonating is important to me and seen in "my world" within the practitioner-patient relationship I enact with in the practice of Chinese Medicine. It would be impossible to appreciate the patient's situation or problem without feeling. Like hearing someone and having that "hit you in the heart" with 'resonance.' I then might better understand what a person, in particular, my patient is saying. When there is resonance, there is communication and thus an effort at "feeling-thought," a willingness to engage in another's world and try to grasp meaning that may not reside in words, but are evoked in that experience. This is important to me as it evolves into understanding on another level.

I love that "feeling-thought" of "keneh" in Balinese is one - a synced event because you feel with your thoughts and thus feel other's thoughts. Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just want to mention that some times we agree as well. I think you’d like this Ted Talk, it’s about feeling/thought relationships within the animal realm, and between humans and animals.


BioPhysics Final Paper: Consciousness, Keneh, Resonance, and Phenomenology

In Bali, the Balinese do not split feeling from thought but regard both as part of one process, "keneh," which is translated to &...