Thursday, July 4, 2019

Physics: Loafing Around Without Feeling Guilty

"Loafing" is defined as 'idling one's time away, typically by aimlessly wandering or loitering.' Rest - no productivity, no responsibility, no evaluation, no engagement. And, yes, MOST people feel guilty about this because in our society (I think most would agree), it is stigmatized. How can someone succeed, or just live up to "normal means" if they were to sit around and do nothing? Yet, in accordance to "health and medicine (not all)" this state is a necessity, a factory of livelihood and wellbeing. It is noted that the best ideas come when you are not thinking about them. And, the notion that this state of nothingness enhances creativity is actually quite popular, yet paradoxically is still stigmatized in our day to day lives.

I, myself, don't "loaf" intentionally - I would say the only time this occurrence takes place is when my body is overly exhausted yet cannot fall asleep yet. The only thing I am capable of is laying and doing nothing and usually this is a time when my body aches and I don't have the capacity to pick up a book or study (which is what I would usually do before falling asleep). This is also a consequence of lack of sleep (for usually more than one night). At this point, this may be not considered loafing at all because there is no conscious around giving meaningful time to myself, but merely just a consequence of over work and exhaustion.

This is not supposed to be a guilt trip (and hopefully doesn't come across this way), but a reflection on myself to note that I don't do this. And, the only correlation to this experience is what I have mentioned above. Now, if I was to just "loaf" which sounds so EASY (yet completely difficult to put into action), would these periods of exhaustion come to be? Probably not. So, if this paper did anything for me, it helped me realize just that. An essential part of life - missing a beat and not caring... at all. And, maybe, then an episode of utter exhaustion will be less relatable.

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