Physics & Chemistry
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
BioPhysics Final Paper: Consciousness, Keneh, Resonance, and Phenomenology
In Bali, the Balinese do not split feeling from thought but regard both as part of one process, "keneh," which is translated to "feeling-thought." While it is recognized that the feelings 'they' feel may be different from their thoughts - and there are concepts that differentiate the two - they are linked in the language.
What does this have to do with Resonance? Resonance is defined as "the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object." This "vibration" is also a sense of connection with someone or something else. Common sayings like, "I resonate with that" or "We resonate" relay this alternative meaning of the word.
Resonating is important to me and seen in "my world" within the practitioner-patient relationship I enact with in the practice of Chinese Medicine. It would be impossible to appreciate the patient's situation or problem without feeling. Like hearing someone and having that "hit you in the heart" with 'resonance.' I then might better understand what a person, in particular, my patient is saying. When there is resonance, there is communication and thus an effort at "feeling-thought," a willingness to engage in another's world and try to grasp meaning that may not reside in words, but are evoked in that experience. This is important to me as it evolves into understanding on another level.
Moving on...
Conscious experience is the "starting point" of phenomenology. Habitual patterns may take away from this... The root word of "phenomenology" is phenomena and that help explains this- that which is opposed to reality. So, our consciousness relates to phenomena but our actions and experiences don't.
From the definition above you may gather that, "consciousness" is not "resonance," according to the Balinese at least. If your consciousness does not taken into account your external experiences then those feelings towards someone or something are skewed by reality and therefore are no longer considered to be your consciousness. Do we consider thoughts and feelings the same thing- as the Balinese do? In my example above, my interpretation of this was the patient-practitioner example: if our thoughts and feelings are not mutually exclusive then what we are thinking are what we are feeling and thus can help create a greater resonance among two (or however many) "objects." But, what about the thoughts that are created in your head without any external influence? Is that just what consciousness is? Does consciousness have to be opposed to reality?
Can consciousness, feelings, and thoughts all be one thing and also each their own?
Continuing with the consciousness tangent, phenomenology is also defined as the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness. "Neurophenomenology" assumes that conscious experience is grounded in neural activity in embodied action in appropriate surroundings, that which mixes pure phenomenology with logical and physical science in a way that was not wholly congenial to traditional phenomenologists.
Before this gets too convoluted with the various definitions of similar ideas, my conclusion- my interpretation. Habitual patterns, ie: brushing our teeth, putting on clothes don't take consciousness into consideration. But, other "normal patterns" of life may: life goals, meeting someone new, analyzing your decisions, thinking about that new person you might have met. Consciousness encompasses feelings and thoughts. Not all feelings and thoughts, but those that you are consciously thinking about. Phenomenology, a study of consciousness and experiences encircles conscious experience, semi-conscious, and even unconscious experiences- and maybe one's background and experiences. I see all of these concepts and definitions as a Venn Diagram- everything correlates, of course, but each can take its own path too. Alternate visions can still arise within all these concepts and everything is open to interpretation. As always ~
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Physics: Classical Physics
Newton's Three Laws and Me:
Newton's three laws of motion may be stated as follows: Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it. Force equals mass times acceleration [ ]. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The Third Law of Motion states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This law describes what happens to a body when it exerts a force on another body.
In order to describe Newton's Laws and me, I might have to describe everything because the world is continually in motion around me thus this might get convoluted. So, basically I accept Newton's Three Laws and try to imagine that everything I do, there is a force against me/my action.
"Energy Efficient Culture"
Not really. We are quite the opposite. We are continually improving systems, technology, our world (inefficiently). Energy efficiency has a stronger place, politically, these days, but really can only be impactful (more efficient) if everyone (at least most) people made a conscious effort to live more energy efficiently. I admit I am not always "energy efficient," certainly- not nearly enough! And, I live in the Bay, where this concept is prominent. It's hard to imagine our society/world going back to simplicity. Some countries live this way, but it is not their choice to. It's unlikely our culture will lessen our "standards" even if people dedicated their lives to this (as some very well do); there will still be others (plenty of others) that don't. Simply (and matter of factly), some folks don't even believe there is a need for energy efficiency because climate change is not real. [Whole other subject...]
Descartes has a lot to answer for!
Descartes was the origin of the "Mind-Body Problem." He divided the mind (thoughts) from the body (material world). Also known as, "Mind-Body Dualism." The physical or material world according to Descartes is determined, more specifically, the machine that determines the world. And, rather, our thoughts are undetermined and could potentially change the material world if and when they, the thoughts, go through the pineal gland in the brain.
In this sense, information is immaterial, the "mind within the brain." And, the most absurd description to end on from Descartes.... when we die, our personal information perishes while our bodies remain. Our thoughts and information disappear because basically there is no real "substance" to them. It took a lot more philosophers to overcome this thought process as it was/is very popular.
Newton's three laws of motion may be stated as follows: Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it. Force equals mass times acceleration [ ]. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The Third Law of Motion states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This law describes what happens to a body when it exerts a force on another body.
In order to describe Newton's Laws and me, I might have to describe everything because the world is continually in motion around me thus this might get convoluted. So, basically I accept Newton's Three Laws and try to imagine that everything I do, there is a force against me/my action.
"Energy Efficient Culture"
Not really. We are quite the opposite. We are continually improving systems, technology, our world (inefficiently). Energy efficiency has a stronger place, politically, these days, but really can only be impactful (more efficient) if everyone (at least most) people made a conscious effort to live more energy efficiently. I admit I am not always "energy efficient," certainly- not nearly enough! And, I live in the Bay, where this concept is prominent. It's hard to imagine our society/world going back to simplicity. Some countries live this way, but it is not their choice to. It's unlikely our culture will lessen our "standards" even if people dedicated their lives to this (as some very well do); there will still be others (plenty of others) that don't. Simply (and matter of factly), some folks don't even believe there is a need for energy efficiency because climate change is not real. [Whole other subject...]
Descartes has a lot to answer for!
Descartes was the origin of the "Mind-Body Problem." He divided the mind (thoughts) from the body (material world). Also known as, "Mind-Body Dualism." The physical or material world according to Descartes is determined, more specifically, the machine that determines the world. And, rather, our thoughts are undetermined and could potentially change the material world if and when they, the thoughts, go through the pineal gland in the brain.
In this sense, information is immaterial, the "mind within the brain." And, the most absurd description to end on from Descartes.... when we die, our personal information perishes while our bodies remain. Our thoughts and information disappear because basically there is no real "substance" to them. It took a lot more philosophers to overcome this thought process as it was/is very popular.
Physics: E-Prime Day
E Prime (it means English Prime) is a way of speaking English without using the verb "to be" in any way ("be, is, am, are, was, were, been, and being"). Instead, an E Prime speaker or writer uses different verbs like "to become," "to remain," and "to equal" or they might choose to rearrange the sentence to show that the "thing" does not actually "act". For example, in E Prime, a writer would change the statement "Mistakes were made" to "Joe made mistakes." This change in wording reveals an actor (Joe) where the previous form concealed the actor. Users of E Prime would consider the changed sentence more accurate.
My day started with coffee and a croissant. I then proceeded to walk to school to go to my class this morning. I only had one class today, Case Management. We took a look at a case study, came up with the answers ourselves and then shared them with the rest of the class and the teacher. During the second half of class we reviewed red flags when coming across a patient with "chest pain." Chest pain encompasses many red flags and these are something to watch out for. After class, I got bubble tea with a friend. The flavor I chose, Jasmine Milk Tea, excites my taste buds!
That was more difficult than expected...
My day started with coffee and a croissant. I then proceeded to walk to school to go to my class this morning. I only had one class today, Case Management. We took a look at a case study, came up with the answers ourselves and then shared them with the rest of the class and the teacher. During the second half of class we reviewed red flags when coming across a patient with "chest pain." Chest pain encompasses many red flags and these are something to watch out for. After class, I got bubble tea with a friend. The flavor I chose, Jasmine Milk Tea, excites my taste buds!
That was more difficult than expected...
BioPhysics: Energy Medicine and Energy Fields
Acupuncture as effective energy medicine.
We, TCM students, learn about the "pathways and meridians" of the body. These pathways are supposed to be what creates the energy flow (in our language,"Qi") throughout the body and this flow is responsible for our overall health. Disruption of this flow may cause or contribute to a disease. Ie: Blood stagnation, Qi stagnation, deficiencies, excesses. Applying acupuncture to particular points helps to improve the flow of Qi, thus improve the energy within a body, thus could be, and to some, is, considered an "energy medicine."
Kirlian Photography?
Kirlian photography entails a fairly mythical explanation. The pictures produced from this type of photography is said to depict peoples' "auras." And then some say that one's aura can explain the state of that particular person whether that be their spiritual, emotional, and/or physical state. Others say that auras can be a diagnostic tool in order to understand someone's illness. I don't really know anything about Kirlian photography and/or auras nor do I really resonate with this. From the Five Element System within Chinese Medicine, there are colors associated to each element and these colors can be noticed on someone's complexion. After reading/studying a little about this, I can better conceptualize the correlation with someone's identified element (constitution or temporary) and the associated color. But, I do not feel comfortable utilizing the little bit of my knowledge about this on a patient or anyone. Circling back to Kirlian photography, I mostly contribute it to paranormal research and not as a diagnostic tool, personally.
Human intent as it affects health.
I believe human intent is important overall and circumstantially. I don't believe there is a direct correlation between human intent and the affect the intention was directed towards. But, I think when practicing a medicine (Chinese Medicine) that is fairly intimate and personal, having the right intention is felt in someway between the practitioner and patient. This may be why certain patients resonate with certain practitioners and vice versa. When we have an idea of what we want to do and we set an intention, maybe it helps the situation, and if it didn't at least we tried on a more subtle level to help the affect of the situation. I guess we might never know whether it does or doesn't.
We, TCM students, learn about the "pathways and meridians" of the body. These pathways are supposed to be what creates the energy flow (in our language,"Qi") throughout the body and this flow is responsible for our overall health. Disruption of this flow may cause or contribute to a disease. Ie: Blood stagnation, Qi stagnation, deficiencies, excesses. Applying acupuncture to particular points helps to improve the flow of Qi, thus improve the energy within a body, thus could be, and to some, is, considered an "energy medicine."
Kirlian Photography?
Kirlian photography entails a fairly mythical explanation. The pictures produced from this type of photography is said to depict peoples' "auras." And then some say that one's aura can explain the state of that particular person whether that be their spiritual, emotional, and/or physical state. Others say that auras can be a diagnostic tool in order to understand someone's illness. I don't really know anything about Kirlian photography and/or auras nor do I really resonate with this. From the Five Element System within Chinese Medicine, there are colors associated to each element and these colors can be noticed on someone's complexion. After reading/studying a little about this, I can better conceptualize the correlation with someone's identified element (constitution or temporary) and the associated color. But, I do not feel comfortable utilizing the little bit of my knowledge about this on a patient or anyone. Circling back to Kirlian photography, I mostly contribute it to paranormal research and not as a diagnostic tool, personally.
Human intent as it affects health.
I believe human intent is important overall and circumstantially. I don't believe there is a direct correlation between human intent and the affect the intention was directed towards. But, I think when practicing a medicine (Chinese Medicine) that is fairly intimate and personal, having the right intention is felt in someway between the practitioner and patient. This may be why certain patients resonate with certain practitioners and vice versa. When we have an idea of what we want to do and we set an intention, maybe it helps the situation, and if it didn't at least we tried on a more subtle level to help the affect of the situation. I guess we might never know whether it does or doesn't.
BioPhysics: Life and Living Systems
I know I'm a living system because I am a multicellular organism in which cells are specialized to do different jobs, ie: connective, muscle, and nervous tissue. And these tissues make up organs, such as the heart or lung which carry out functions necessary to life and breath. Our hearts and lungs created our breath and without it, we die. It's amazing to think about that -- our hearts and lungs are continually pumping, non-stop, even when we are sleeping.
To speak more to human beings as a living system; our metabolisms. All of the biochemical reactions occurring in an organism make up the metabolism. Thus, along with our hearts and lungs, are GI systems are always working as well. Another aspect to human life being a living system is homeostasis. (An adventure in Chinese Medicine!) Our internal environment is always trying to create a balance in order to maintain or achieve proper cell function. We grow too! Our whole bodies are growing until about early twenties (more or less) and it is hypothesized that the cartilage continues to grow! (ie: noses and ears getting bigger as we age). Lastly, Reproduction, we can literally reproduce ourselves, that takes life!
BioPhysics and Traditional Chinese Medicine:
What happens exactly when a TCM practitioner puts a needle in someone's arm and their neck immediately feels better (maybe not completely)? We don't really know. And, unfortunately, there is no real answer to this- but, many hypothesized answers, of course. The meridians in our bodies have an intimate connection to our organs and other parts of our bodies. The points indicated on the meridians (or close enough to) each have a name, a meaning, an action. Why is this? There is some "biophysical connection" to these points otherwise these points wouldn't be points (and we wouldn't have to spend years learning them!). I can't explain why these points work, but I do know that they do. Our bodies react (biophysically) to these points and then some (maybe, chemical) reaction takes place. Future research is thus vital in order to explore the mechanisms of these Acupuncture points. Those who practice, show interest, are patients may not need the tangible research to validate its effectiveness, but perhaps the Western society would.
To speak more to human beings as a living system; our metabolisms. All of the biochemical reactions occurring in an organism make up the metabolism. Thus, along with our hearts and lungs, are GI systems are always working as well. Another aspect to human life being a living system is homeostasis. (An adventure in Chinese Medicine!) Our internal environment is always trying to create a balance in order to maintain or achieve proper cell function. We grow too! Our whole bodies are growing until about early twenties (more or less) and it is hypothesized that the cartilage continues to grow! (ie: noses and ears getting bigger as we age). Lastly, Reproduction, we can literally reproduce ourselves, that takes life!
BioPhysics and Traditional Chinese Medicine:
What happens exactly when a TCM practitioner puts a needle in someone's arm and their neck immediately feels better (maybe not completely)? We don't really know. And, unfortunately, there is no real answer to this- but, many hypothesized answers, of course. The meridians in our bodies have an intimate connection to our organs and other parts of our bodies. The points indicated on the meridians (or close enough to) each have a name, a meaning, an action. Why is this? There is some "biophysical connection" to these points otherwise these points wouldn't be points (and we wouldn't have to spend years learning them!). I can't explain why these points work, but I do know that they do. Our bodies react (biophysically) to these points and then some (maybe, chemical) reaction takes place. Future research is thus vital in order to explore the mechanisms of these Acupuncture points. Those who practice, show interest, are patients may not need the tangible research to validate its effectiveness, but perhaps the Western society would.

Image of a jackrabbit in the desert, showing the rabbit's very thin—almost see-through—heavily veined ears, which are used for heat dissipatio
BioPhysics: Bionic
The Creating of Bionics.
Bionic people in our world could potentially curve some of the terrible situations our society has basically surrendered to. For instance, I would think that a bionic person wouldn't be a psychopath, sociopath, and/or narcissist. Many powerful leaders make up those three things (and more!). I would also assume bionic people are smart. Therefore decisions could/would be based on information which encompasses patterns of history, people, and places - and thus, [quickly] come up an answer that would not entail repeating situations and events that have gone terrible wrong throughout history. On the other hand, bionic people could potentially create catastrophe too. (Space Odyssey... HAL!)
Bionic people for military purposes... If this entails "nuclear purposes," No. I don't think there should be any improvements in that sense. If there were bionic people that strategized situations that presidents and people of authority are bad at, then in that case maybe there is a purpose for them in these situations. (Ie: pretty much all of the presidents that declared war on countries with no purpose and ultimately became the reason for thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands deaths of civilians.)
Bionic people in our world could potentially curve some of the terrible situations our society has basically surrendered to. For instance, I would think that a bionic person wouldn't be a psychopath, sociopath, and/or narcissist. Many powerful leaders make up those three things (and more!). I would also assume bionic people are smart. Therefore decisions could/would be based on information which encompasses patterns of history, people, and places - and thus, [quickly] come up an answer that would not entail repeating situations and events that have gone terrible wrong throughout history. On the other hand, bionic people could potentially create catastrophe too. (Space Odyssey... HAL!)
Bionic people for military purposes... If this entails "nuclear purposes," No. I don't think there should be any improvements in that sense. If there were bionic people that strategized situations that presidents and people of authority are bad at, then in that case maybe there is a purpose for them in these situations. (Ie: pretty much all of the presidents that declared war on countries with no purpose and ultimately became the reason for thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands deaths of civilians.)
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Physics: Sacred Geometry and Fibonacci
Sacred Geometry and Physics
Sacred geometry assimilates geometric shapes and geometric proportions played into a logarithmic spiral that accommodates growth without change. These shapes are said to incorporate symbolic and sacred universal patters. It is hypothesized that sacred geometry can be found in all of nature in golden mean proportions; an example of this is a crystal structure. In ways, I link sacred geometry to physics because these sacred patterns are based on mathematics and form as Physics is. Sacrad geometry can be broken down by mathematics because its a constant form. Physics is based on mathematics and any theory/hypothesis has been based off of mathematics. In ways, mathematics is everywhere.
I don't think Fibonacci can prove the future so thus maybe "life" in a moment of time, but as shapes/object/extraterrestrial/humans, whatever, changes, it's hard to belive it all changes at the same time and thus sticks to an exact sequence. I see it as a picture in time and if you could stop everything and look at the world or really anything, one might the sequence in every possible shape around you. In some ways I think of a "signature of life" as a mold for what has been, is, and will become, and I don't find this sequence can predict the future in any each way, but maybe follows it? Not sure, again, I see this sequence as a capture of a moment in time.
Sacred geometry assimilates geometric shapes and geometric proportions played into a logarithmic spiral that accommodates growth without change. These shapes are said to incorporate symbolic and sacred universal patters. It is hypothesized that sacred geometry can be found in all of nature in golden mean proportions; an example of this is a crystal structure. In ways, I link sacred geometry to physics because these sacred patterns are based on mathematics and form as Physics is. Sacrad geometry can be broken down by mathematics because its a constant form. Physics is based on mathematics and any theory/hypothesis has been based off of mathematics. In ways, mathematics is everywhere.
I don't think Fibonacci can prove the future so thus maybe "life" in a moment of time, but as shapes/object/extraterrestrial/humans, whatever, changes, it's hard to belive it all changes at the same time and thus sticks to an exact sequence. I see it as a picture in time and if you could stop everything and look at the world or really anything, one might the sequence in every possible shape around you. In some ways I think of a "signature of life" as a mold for what has been, is, and will become, and I don't find this sequence can predict the future in any each way, but maybe follows it? Not sure, again, I see this sequence as a capture of a moment in time.
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BioPhysics Final Paper: Consciousness, Keneh, Resonance, and Phenomenology
In Bali, the Balinese do not split feeling from thought but regard both as part of one process, "keneh," which is translated to ...
In Bali, the Balinese do not split feeling from thought but regard both as part of one process, "keneh," which is translated to ...
"Ordered Chaos" explains itself, bringing order to chaos. A basic example could be our bodies, which in some ways could be conside...
Newton's Three Laws and Me: Newton's three laws of motion may be stated as follows: Every object in a state of uniform motion will ...